Corona Renderer Alpha 6 was released today, head over to the Corona Development Blog to find out what's new.
Colour correcting HDRi skies
I quite often reference images I see on the internet when I am interested in achieving a particular mood or more often colour balance. This usually happens well into a project and quite often by accident rather than by design, but that's the subject of another, future post..
I liked the colour of the sky in the above photo, especially in combination with the pale yellow interior lighting. From looking through my HDR sky collection, I went for 0902 which was pretty close but not the right colour:
I'm hoping chaosgroup will eventually grant my wish of adding some colour temp/tint controls to the vrayHDRi map, but in the meantime you can adjust the colour using the color map in the output roll up. I simply took some red out of the sky by unchecking G and B and dragging down the red curve.
Which results in a much closer match:
You might be able to achieve the same thing with either the native max color correction map or colorcorrect but I think this is a neater solution. You could also colour correct the camera, but then you would have to compensate the temp of all of your lights as well.
Nordiska Akvarellmuseet
Happy new 2014!
I'm starting the new year off with a rare architectural photography post. This is the Nordiska Akvarellmuseet, Nordic Watercolour museum, on the island of Tjörn north of Gothenburg, Sweden.
The photos concentrate on the artist's studios which were designed by Niels Bruun & Henrik Corfitsen, arkitekter MAA in 2004.
Free HDR Sky!
An early Christmas present for readers of this blog. You're welcome. :)
EDIT: It is no longer Christmas I'm afraid... If you want to try this sky, it will shortly be available in the shop at a discounted price (reprocessed & with backplates and scene file!)
Merry Christmas - God Jul!
Wishing all readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
'God Jul' is Swedish for Merry Christmas and is also much easier to write when cutting down trees with a virtual chainsaw.
quick technical stuff: 3dsmax, vray 2.4, forest pro, fog in vray, lit by 1912, terrain from the free version of world machine and some smoke and silly things added in photoshop.
La Maison de Verre à la Bertrand Benoit
Bertrand's flair with materials and modeling seemed such a good fit with this architectural masterpiece that I had to put aside my own ambitions to do a visualisation study of it and see what he would come up with. Not disappointed! Really must find some time to do a personal project again!
This is just a small selection of images, have a look at Bertrand's blog for the full set, and if you are interested in the building, Ronen found a couple of nice videos about it.
Playing around with corona..
An old personal project reworked slightly for corona renderer. Corona is a new rendering plugin which is still in the alpha release phase and currently free to download and use. I haven't had much time with it yet but I already like the way it works, the simplicity and the excellent material previews. With the standard 3dmax material previews I always felt like I was making materials in the dark and had to render them to actually see what has happening.
The forum is currently the best source of info and help on using corona, and by signing up for an account there you can then download the alpha and test it yourself.
Icelandic Coastal House - Talcik Demovicova Studio
Juraj Talcik from Talcik | Demovicova Studio just published a new set of renders of an Icelandic Coastal House, have a look at the full set on Behance.
Apart from them being beautiful to look at, I'm especially interested in them as he uses Corona Renderer - something I've been playing around with recently. Juraj has agreed to share some tips & tricks for corona beginners here on my blog so keep an eye out for that over the next couple of days.
Academy Day 4 Report on CGRecord
Head on over to for Part 3 of their coverage of this years State of Art Academy Day: SOA Academy Day 4 Diary Part 3
As usual it was a brilliant weekend, shared with good friends and inspiring to meet so many talented, interesting people.
Well done again Gianpiero and Roberto!