Hayes Davidson are recruiting!

Hayes Davidson are recruiting! They are currently looking for a Technical Projects Manager, Technical Photomontage Artists and 3D Artists. For information about how to apply, visit http://www.hayesdavidson.com/about/jobs.php

I rent a desk at Hayes Davidson and have the daily pleasure of working alongside a great team of talented and enthusiastic artists, as well as (the equally talented) Patrick Vale and Nick Rochowski.


Quick 3dsmax tip.

If you need to enlarge the frame of a camera without altering the perspective of your original composition, try this:

Divide the original width of your frame by the new width, which in my case was 1200/1600 which gives 0.75. Then multiply your camera focal length by this ratio to find what the new focal length should be. For the example I'm using my original focal length was 35mm, which multiplied by 0.75 is 26.25mm.

Set your camera to this new focal length, change the format accordingly and you have effectively added width to your composition.

Thanks to twitter.com/VisualEyesMedia for this handy tip!

(There is also a script for this purpose www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/overscan but it doesn't work with vray cameras)

3dsmax - annoyances no. 1

I'm not usually one of those people who resists change in computer software, but I do when 'new' is both less intuitive and also slower. So this post is really just a reminder to myself of what to do to revert the 3dsmax select dialog to the old style one, and the material/map browser (within the material editor) as well. Enjoy!

C: > Users > *username* > AppData > Local > Autodesk > 3dsMax(Design) > 2013 - 64bit > ENU > en-US > defaults > MAX.vray > Currentdefaults.ini

[Scene Explorer] SelectByNameUsesSceneExplorer=0

(If you aren't using vray then the path will be slightly different)

C: > Users > *username* > AppData > Local > Autodesk > 3dsMax(Design) > 2013 - 64bit > ENU > plugcfg_ln > SME.ini



And another thing while I'm at it. I prefer having the file menu visible rather than just as an icon, luckily this is very easy to do, just customize your UI, click the menus tab and drag the file menu back where it should be like this:

Thanks to Pixela I think it was who originally helped me with this!

45 Skies - 3docean update!

UPDATE: My HDR Sky shop is now open, please buy my products there instead, thanks!

Before I start making new skies, I decided to go back and work a bit more on all the old ones. If you bought any of them, you can now log in to 3docean.net and download the updated versions.

Changes include:

  • The original horizon has been removed from the HDR files, and the photos used to make the HDRi re-processed for a smoother, noise free image.
  • Radiance (.hdr) and OpenEXR (.exr) file sizes have been optimized to improve loading times.
  • 16 bit RAW versions of the backplate photos now included to allow greater freedom in post processing.


EDIT: labelled version as requested.

EDIT 2: Any new skies won't be happening anytime soon I'm afraid, I'll probably wait till I have 9 ready so that I can offer them as a pack for a reduced price straight away.

EDIT 3: Lots of people asking how to get the updated skies. Just log into 3docean as normal, click on the downloads tab and you will see all the products you have bought from 3docean, then just download the ones you want. All my skies on 3docean have been updated so you will get the new version when you download.

Mot Renders and a mini c4d tutorial







Some more nice new work in my inbox this morning, this time from Mouton Burger (Mot Renders). What is a little bit different with this work, is that it was done using Cinema 4D. Good to see that my HDRi skies work just as well in c4d as they do in other packages.

The sky Mouton used was "1941 Dusk Blue", and here is a guide to using HDRi skies in cinema4d together with vray:



General: In c4d project settings, LWF should be disabled and the color profile set to sRGB Vray Color Mapping: Check the LWF tickbox and set the gamma to 2.2

1. Create cinema 4d arealight 2. Add vraylight tag to it



3. set the intensity to 1.6



4. Go to Area light tab and set the Area type to Dome



5. Add your Sky hdri in the texture slot and set the color Profile to sRGB

6. Insert the hdri in a Filter shader and set the gamma to 1.0 (or 0.75 if you wan't to boost the strength of the sun like this tutorial) 7. Add a vrayphysicalcamera tag to your camera in order to control exposure, depth of field etc.

rendering OOF* highlights



Just a quick comparison between rendering the quick way (A) and the sloooooooooow way (B). Guess which method I always use?

A: In vray's color mapping section, Sub-pixel mapping is ticked, as is Clamp output (set to a value of 1.0).

B: Both Sub-pixel mapping and Clamp output unticked.

Even if you aren't trying to get this particular lens effect, I still recommend rendering unclamped for trees (and many other situations), it just looks so much more realistic. When I get a chance, I'll render the same scene without DOF to show you the difference.




C: clamped, and sub-pixel mapping ON D: unclamped, sub-pixel mapping OFF

Even without DOF, I think it trees still look much more realistic when rendered unclamped.

* out of focus