Finally, a new sky on, '1958 Night', which is a DARK sky. To be used when you want a really dark night sky.
PG SoA Lighting Masterclass
This is the full gallery of a quite amazing amount of work accomplished in one week by 12 students. You can find out more or get in touch with the artists from the links provided, or feel free to leave comments below.
If you are interested in attending one of my lighting masterclasses, there is a strong possibility i'll do another one next year with SoA. Keep an eye on the State of Art Academy homepage for announcements.
Alessandro Consonni -
Alessandro concentrated on interiors, and went for a very stylish minimal look. Rendered in Corona and with Corona environment fog which worked out really well. Click the thumbs for lightbox mode.
Alessandro Massi Mauri -
Alessandro Massi Mauri started with some basic changes to the architecture (black timber) and made a desert landscape which worked surprisingly well. An alternative, Rick Joy inspired version of the house completes a great set of renders.
Darwin Ceballos -
Darwin went for a Nordic winter theme and found some very pleasing lighting set-ups in which the architecture looks right at home.
George Nijland -
A very strong set of images from George, who chose to concentrate on landscaping and exterior views. I especially like the subtle and carefully managed colours of the green grasses and the blues in the sky. Not an easy thing to do well.
Giuliano Sabadin -
Lots of images with potential, but the wintery scene is my favourite, plus he seemed to knock it together in no time at all!
Jeroen Henning -
Jeroen tried a bit of everything and as a result seemed to get a lot out of the week. Corona AND Vray. Solid interiors and ambitious, expansive exteriors. I really hope to see the valley shot rendered higher res and with lots of detail added.
Matthias Arndt -
Some nice moves in changing the architecture set the tone for Matthias' images. Clean compositions and balanced lighting. I especially liked the buildings new relationship to the landscape.
Oguz Kalafat -
Oguz used the classic Julius Shulman LA image as inspiration and amended the architecture to suit his purpose. A strong set of well balanced moonlit images.
Paolo Faleschini -
Paulo took my suggestion of making B&W images, and did it really really well. Strong compositions, great use of light. As Gianpiero said to me later, they sum up the product of a lighting masterclass perfectly.
Robert Dukes -
Robert took the existing landscape and developed it even further, and modified the architecture quite a bit too. A great selection of compositions, and lots of good experimentation with different HDR skies as well.
Sandra Ferminan -
Sandra matched the atmosphere perfectly of the inspiration images she had chosen. Strong compositions and really beautiful colours, especially in the tree shot.
Walter Pegolo -
Another mix of Corona & Vray with a strong emphasis on interiors. Walter also tried his hand at an exterior which resulted in a nice soft dusk image.
Starting the week with a preview of some of the images produced in what I hope was a useful and fun week for my 12 students at the State of Art Academy. I'll upload all of the images in another blog post, but to give you an idea of the range of images that started life as Henry's Carey House here is one from each student, in no particular order.
Really fantastic work I hope you'll agree!
Top to bottom:
Alessandro Massi Mauri, Alessandro Consonni, Jeroen Henning, Matthias Arndt, Oguz Kalafat, Paolo Faleschini, Robert Dukes, George Nijland, Sandra Ferminan, Walter Pegolo, Giuliano Sabadin, Darwin Ceballos
New Sky - 1714 Clear Sky
1714 Clear Sky is now available on
Saturated blues, strong warm direct light. 31.3 degrees sun angle, 14000px wide and very high dynamic range.
Octane Render Competition Winners
Many thanks to everyone who entered the competition hosted on the OTOY forums, and congratulations to the winners listed below. I'll be contacting you all via email with details of how to claim your prizes. Thanks also to Tom Glimps for organising it!
Peter Guthrie Lighting Masterclass
In case anyone missed the announcement on Friday, I am going to be doing a week long lighting masterclass course with the guys from State of Art Academy in July this year.
Read more about the course program here:
House on the Lake - Giona Andreani
Another great project spotted on, this time by Giona Andreani
Rendered using Corona, but interestingly still using the chaosgroup Phoenix FD ocean texture for the water. Giona used Corona sun for the day shot, and my 1941 HDRi sky for the blue image and 2003 for the b&w.
Octane Render Competition Reminder
In case you missed it, there is a small competition going on the OTOY Octane Render forum. The 10 best architectural images, as judged by me, will each get a 100 euro voucher to spend in my HDR Sky shop.
Plus, as extra incentive, the top 3 will win a full Octane render license! So even if you don't own Octane, install the demo and get rendering!
It has been left deliberately open as 'vaguely architectural'. All you need to do to enter is post an image on the forum. I will check the forum and give feedback & encouragement, and Tom Glimps is moderating the thread. You have until THE END OF APRIL to post your entry!
Related: Read Tom's Using HDR Skies in Octane Render
Lake Lugano House - Vray for Sketchup
You might recognise this house from a previous post on this blog, Lake Lugano House by Jame Pickford. This one is different in that it was all modelled, assembled and rendered within Skethcup using Vray for Sketchup. There is a really excellent tutorial on Ronen Bekerman dot com which I encourage you to go and read.
Interesting to see how he uses HDRi Skies (1957 Dusk Clear) in Vray for Sketchup and uses proxies to handle complex geometry and to see all of the other ways in which Vray for Sketchup has developed since I last used it several years ago.
Great work by David Santos of LAB Visualizacion
I'm going to change the HDR sky shop url from to tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can go ahead and update bookmarks/links now if you want. Thanks!